Hear This...

It just keeps on getting better. Now in our third year, Instruments For Ethiopia is thriving! We've just had an update from our partner organisation The Lelt Foundation and the progress our young musicians are making is incredible. Thanks to music teacher Dawit Fekadu, we have girls and boys learning traditional goat skinned instruments like the Krar, made from a pumpkin shell and and played in a similar style to a harp. In the latest video update we were surprised to see they can already play and sing - which for anyone who has learnt an instrument will know - is not an easy task! 

Earlier this year our talented students participated in the Virtual Orchestra Project, a global online collaboration featuring music students from across the world. What an opportunity for the kids to see and hear music from other cultures! Check out the virtual performance here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AA92PJdCQkU&feature=youtu.be



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